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Three Crosses

April 18, 2014

Today’s guest post comes from an email that was sent out this morning to all the families participating in Woodmen Valley Chapel’s “Access Ministries” Special Needs Ministry. 


Dear Friends,

    This morning as I ran to our Father, I fought to release the heaviness and confusion I was wrestling with in my heart and mind. I spent time asking questions and forgiveness and praying prayers of hope for my family and our story. I got to a place where I could still my heart and my mind and my body and asked, God what is the message you want for me today? I looked down and did not hear much of anything. I looked at the tiny ripples in the water of the cold lake, felt the sun on my back and the chilly breeze on my face. Still I did not hear anything. I waited. I fought against the clock and the awareness of letting go of tasks ahead to be still long enough to hear what He had in store for me today. So I waited.

    After what seemed like an hour, I stood and decided to start my journey back home. I straightened my self and stretched and looked up. It took me a while but I realized what was staring at me in our Colorado sky. You see I was near the Air Force Academy where planes are practicing flying especially on a beautiful day like today. I did not see the plane that made the three crosses I was looking at. Three crosses in the sky. One set far apart from the other two.

     And then I could not quiet the stories and His voice, even if I had the best noise cancelling head phones money could buy.

    The stories were yours.

    There were stories of joy and celebration, where hugs and smiles could not begin to share the happiness in your hearts. There were stories of battles, as you fight to advocate for your little ones to be seen like everyone else. There were stories of suffering and pain, where you are looking for some glimmer of light to shine through the cracks of brokenness. No matter what chapter you are in your story, I can not express my gratefulness for allowing me to be an member of your audience. Allowing me the chance to see different perspectives. Allowing me to love messy! I realized that I have been looking ahead and looking down at times. Today, I am so thankful that I looked up. I am so thankful each of you!

    As you celebrate Easter with your loved ones this weekend I pray that you remember these words. I choked on them as I read them this morning to my girls, “Jesus could have just climbed down (from the cross). Actually he could have just said a word and make it all stop. Like when he healed that little girl. And stilled the storm. And fed 5,000 people. You see, they didn’t understand. It wasn’t the nails that kept Jesus there. It was love.”

My prayer for you no matter if you are full of joy or full of despair, is that you know how much you are loved by our Father in Heaven!

I do not tell you enough, but THANK YOU for putting your fingerprint in my heart.

Precious Easter Blessings,


Screen Shot 2013-12-10 at 4.17.18 PMKatie Garvert is the Access Ministries Coordinator for Woodmen Valley Chapel in Colorado Springs. Over the past nine years Katie has helped WVC establish inclusion programming over virtually every age and stage for this multi-site church. Access ministry hosts a dad’s support group, regular parent respite events, sibling retreats and respite camp for students with special needs. Katie also oversees the church’s deaf and hard of hearing ministry. Follow Katie on Twitter @wvcaccess.

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